REMBRANDT – VIVARES. Beggars. Five engravings
1606-1669; 1709-1780
Beggars. Five engravings.
1738-1780 (c.)
5 incisioni all’acquaforte e puntasecca. Ognuna di 80 x 55 mm. ca. Rifilate sul filo del rame. Le tavole sono numerate in alto a destra: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. Esclusa la n. 6 recano tutte sotto l’immagine la firma di Rembrandt, e in basso a sinistra l’scrizione “F.V. fecit'. Incisione incollata agli angoli su cartoncino. Ottimo stato di conservazione.
Belle prove in controparte delle incisioni di Rembrandt, ad opera del celebre artista franco-inglese. British Museum: “Engraver and publisher. b. S.Jean de Bruel de Rouergue 11 July 1709 (according to his self-portrait engraving), to Geneva with his parents in 1711; then at age 18 to London in 1727. Earliest dated print 1738. One of the main links between the French and British print trades. Had a very high reputation in France, where regarded as greatest landscape engraver, and key teacher of the British school of line-engraving (see Regnault-Delalande in the 1798 Basan sale cat. pp.xiv and 189). Death as 'the celebrated landscape engraver' recorded in Gentleman's Magazine, December 1780, p. 590.”
New Hollstein (Dutch & Flemish) / The New Hollstein: Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts 1450-1700; White & Boon 1969 / Rembrandt's Etchings: An Illustrated Critical Catalogue (129).