DÜRER. Della simmetria de i corpi humani.

EUR 4.000,00
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EUR 6.000,00 / 8.000,00


DÜRER. Della simmetria de i corpi humani.

DÜRER, Albrecht. Della simmetria de i corpi humani, libri quattro.
Venezia, Domenico Nicolini, 1591

Folio. 330 x 225 mm. Legatura in pergamena antica con titolo manoscritto al dorso. Carte [6], 143 [ma 141], [1]. Errori di numerazione, carte 74 e 101 saltate dalla numerazione. Marca tipografica al frontespizio e in fine, volume completamente illustrato con figure quasi sempre a piena pagina. Le carte M4, Q4 e Q5 sono carte doppie aggiunte ai fascicoli: la carta Q4 stampata sul recto e sul verso; le carte M4 e Q5 stampate solo sul recto. Alcune fioriture e lievi tracce d’uso, piccola mancanza sulla piega di due tavole ripiegate. Qualche restauro, bell’esemplare con ampi margini. 

Prima edizione italiana completa del primo libro consacrato alle proporzioni del corpo umano. Libro figurato con moltissime illustrazioni della figura umana. Durer intende dimostrare che le proporzioni e l'armonia del corpo umano dipendono da precise regole geometriche, e sono pertanto riproducibili attraverso il disegno. Giunge quindi a teorizzare la bellezza stessa come legata a proporzioni matematiche. Dürer, a conclusione di numerosi studi svolti su diverse tipologie di individui, corredò il suo lavoro di moltissime illustrazioni della figura umana, le stesse, peraltro, riportate anche in questa prima edizione italiana. Garrison-Morton: “Written, designed, and illustrated by Dürer, this work is notable for its extraordinary series of anthropometrical woodcuts. The first two books deal with the proper proportions of the human form ; the third changes the proportions according to mathematical rules, giving examples of extremely fat and thin figures, while the last book depicts the human figure in motion and treats of foreshortenings. Dürer's work is the first attempt to apply anthropometry to aesthetics. The woodcuts represent the first attempt to employ cross-hatching to depict shades and shadows in wood engraving.”
La traduzione italiana dalla versione latina è di G.P. Gallucci, che aggiunge un quinto libro «nel quale si tratta con quali modi possano i pittori e scoltori mostrare le diversità della natura de gli huomini et donne [...]». 
Cicognara, 321; Brunet II, 914; Choix 38, 4491, 8638; Riccardi I, 659; Choulant, 146; Wellcome II, 1920; Durling, 1299; Bird, 760.
See Garrison-Morton, 149; Schlosser-Magnino p. 286 & 294; J. Meder, Durer-Katalog, New York 1971, p. 289.

Condition Report

Folio. 330x225mm. Ancient vellum binding with handwritten title on the spine. [6], 143 [but 141], [1] leaves. Numbering errors, leaves 74 and 101 skipped from numbering. Printer's device on the title page and at the end, a fully illustrated volume with almost always full-page illustrations. Leaves M4, Q4 and Q5 are double leaves added to the quires: leaf Q4 printed on the recto and verso; leaves M4 and Q5 printed on the recto only. Some foxing and slight signs of wear, small lack on the fold of two folded leaves. A good copy with wide margins.

First complete Italian edition of the first book dedicated to the proportions of the human body. Illustrated book with many illustrations of the human figure. Durer intends to demonstrate that the proportions and harmony of the human body depend on precise geometric rules, and are therefore reproducible through drawing. He then comes to theorize beauty itself as linked to mathematical proportions. Dürer, at the conclusion of numerous studies carried out on different types of individuals, accompanied his work with many illustrations of the human figure, the same, moreover, also reported in this first Italian edition. Garrison-Morton: “Written, designed, and illustrated by Dürer, this work is notable for its extraordinary series of anthropometrical woodcuts. The first two books deal with the proper proportions of the human form ; the third changes the proportions according to mathematical rules, giving examples of extremely fat and thin figures, while the last book depicts the human figure in motion and treats of foreshortenings. Dürer's work is the first attempt to apply anthropometry to aesthetics. The woodcuts represent the first attempt to employ cross-hatching to depict shades and shadows in wood engraving.” 
The Italian translation from the Latin version is by G.P. Gallucci, who adds a fifth book «which deals with which ways painters and sculptors can show the diversity of the nature of men and women [...]».


Cicognara, 321; Brunet II, 914; Choix 38, 4491, 8638; Riccardi I, 659; Choulant, 146; Wellcome II, 1920; Durling, 1299; Bird, 760.
See Garrison-Morton, 149; Schlosser-Magnino p. 286 & 294; J. Meder, Durer-Katalog, New York 1971, p. 289.

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