AMERICA. MONTANUS. De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America en't Zuid-Land.

EUR 8.500,00
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EUR 9.000,00 / 10.000,00


AMERICA. MONTANUS. De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America en't Zuid-Land.

MONTANUS, Arnoldus. De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America en't Zuid-Land. Amsterdam, J. van Meurs, 1671

Folio. 320x200 mm. Legatura coeva in pelle, reimbotage del dorso, fogli di guardia moderni, titolo in oro al dorso. Antiporta figurata con titolo, Frontespizio in rosso e nero con vignetta incisa, Ritratto di Jan Maurits, Carte 2 non numerate (Dedica con grande Testatina incisa alla c. *3, con stemma), grande carta ripiegata dell’America, Pagine 585, [27 con Indici], 53 Tavole fuori testo e 69 incisioni sul testo.
In totale 56 Tavole incise in rame: Antiporta figurata, 7 ritratti a piena pagina (Johan Maurits, Colombo, Vespucci, Magellano, l'ultimo imperatore inca Atahualpa, Pizarro e l'imperatore azteco Montezuma), una grande mappa ripiegata dell’America di Gerard Schagen, 15 mappe a doppia pagina, 32 tavole a doppia pagina o ripiegate. Ex libris di C.G. Little incollato nel contropiatto anteriore. 
Dorso restaurato con pelle moderna, lieve diffuso foxing, in complesso buon esemplare. 

Rara prima edizione in prima tiratura. Una delle più importanti opere sull’America, magnificamente figurata. Borba de Moraes: “This is a classic book on America and is much sought after by collectors of Americana as it contains, on p. 124, one of the first views of New York Novum Amsterodamum”. Howes loda le illustrazioni “beauty and wealth of copperplates comparable only to De Bry”. Questa tiratura contiene il Ritratto di Jan Maurits di Nassau, non menzionato nell’Index finale. Nella parte che riguarda il Nord America contiene la mappa di Blaeu del New England e del New Netherland, nonché le carte della Virginia e della Carolina di John Smith Virginia; c’è inoltre una dettagliata carta delle Bermuda e numerose vedute di città e scene in Messico e nei Caraibi. Tra le incisioni nel testo: una delle prime vedute di New Amsterdam, a p. 124, secondo Asher “without any doubt, the handsomest, and... the most agreeable view of Dutch New York”; a pagina 213 l'incoronazione di Sir Francis Drake da parte dei nativi americani della California. Gran parte della seconda metà del volume è dedicata al Brasile, dove gli olandesi furono profondamente coinvolti per decenni nel XVII secolo.
Asher 14: “The description of New Netherland contained in Montanus does not pretend to be an original work; but whether is has been in part borrowed from books no longer to be found (...), or whether the author has consulted M.S. authorities, - there are some among the things that he mentions for which he is the first, if not the only source." Including views of "Porto Rico", "De Stadt St. Martin", "Truxillo", "Cusco", "Mauritiopoli" and "Nova Mexico" and maps of "Novi Belgii quod nunc Novi Jorck vocatur", "Aestiuarium Insularum alias Barmudas", "Virginiae partis australis et Floridae", "Insulae Americanae" and "Chili.”
Sabin 50086; Alden-L. 671/209; Howes M733; Borba de M. 586; Bosch 134; Church 613; Tiele 763; Burden 411-15; Asher's Bibliographical Essay, p. 23.

Condition Report

Folio. 320x200 mm. Contemporary leather binding, spine rebacked, new endpapers, gilt title on the spine. Frontispiece with title, Titlepage in red and black with engraved vignette, Portrait of Jan Maurits, 2 unnumbered leaves (Dedication with large engraved header on page *3, with coat of arms), large folded map of America, 585 pages, [27 with Indexes], 53 plates outside the text and 69 engravings on the text.
In total 56 copper engraved plates: Illustrated Frontispiece, 7 full page portraits (Johan Maurits, Columbus, Vespucci, Magellan, the last Inca emperor Atahualpa, Pizarro and the Aztec emperor Montezuma), a large folded map of America by Gerard Schagen, 15 double-page maps, 32 double-page or folded plates. Bookplate of C.G. Littell on upper pastedown. Spine restored with modern leather, slight spread foxing, overall a good copy.

Rare first edition, first issue. One of the most important works on America, beautifully illustrated. Borba de Moraes: “This is a classic book on America and is much sought after by collectors of Americana as it contains, on p. 124, one of the first views of New York Novum Amsterodamum”. Howes praises the illustrations "beauty and wealth of copperplates comparable only to De Bry". This edition contains the Portrait of Jan Maurits of Nassau, not mentioned in the final Index. In the North American portion it contains Blaeu's map of New England and New Netherland, as well as John Smith's maps of Virginia and Carolina Virginia; there is also a detailed map of Bermuda and numerous views of cities and scenes in Mexico and the Caribbean. Among the engravings in the text: one of the first views of New Amsterdam, on p. 124, according to Asher “without any doubt, the handsomest, and... the most agreeable view of Dutch New York”; on page 213 the coronation of Sir Francis Drake by the Native Americans of California. Much of the second half of the volume is devoted to Brazil, where the Dutch were deeply involved for decades in the 17th century.
Asher 14: “The description of New Netherland contained in Montanus does not pretend to be an original work; but whether is has been in part borrowed from books no longer to be found (...), or whether the author has consulted M.S. authorities, - there are some among the things that he mentions for which he is the first, if not the only source." Including views of "Porto Rico", "De Stadt St. Martin", "Truxillo", "Cusco", "Mauritiopoli" and "Nova Mexico" and maps of "Novi Belgii quod nunc Novi Jorck vocatur", "Aestiuarium Insularum alias Barmudas", "Virginiae partis australis et Floridae", "Insulae Americanae" and "Chili.”


Sabin 50086; Alden-L. 671/209; Howes M733; Borba de M. 586; Bosch 134; Church 613; Tiele 763; Burden 411-15; Asher's Bibliographical Essay, p. 23.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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