China. KIRCHER. La Chine. Illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes.

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China. KIRCHER. La Chine. Illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes.

KIRCHER, Athanasius. La Chine. Illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes. 
Amsterdam, Janssonius à Waesberge & Weyerstraet, 1670

Folio, 378:240 mm. Legatura in piena pelle coeva, titoli e fregi in oro al dorso. Pagine 18, inclusi Antiporta, Frontespizio, Ritratto, dedica e prefazione, 367, [12]. 60 incisioni nel testo, 23 carte di tavole a piena pagina, due mappe della Cina ripiegate. Lieve foxing, usuale brunitura in alcune pagine, buono stato di conservazione. 

Prima edizione francese. In quest'opera, magnificamente figurata, troviamo importanti documenti sul sistema di governo, sulla geografia, geologia, botanica, zoologia e religione non solo della Cina ma anche di altri paesi asiatici. Walravens: “Kirchers Werk bedeutete einen Meilenstein in der europäischen Chinakenntnis” (I’opera di Kircher è stato una pietra miliare nella conoscenza europea della Cina)
Questa edizione francese riveste particolare rilevanza perché contiene il primo vocabolario cinese stampato in Occidente. Löwendahl: “This French edition contains two supplements not published before: the first is a reply by Johann Grüber to ten questions by the Grand Duke of Tuscany (on pp. 316-23); the second is a Chinese-French dictionary (on pp. 324-67), perhaps the first published Chinese-European language dictionary, which, according to Professor Szczesniak was compiled by Michael Boym.” 
Merril: “Constitutes the first Chinese vocabulary ever printed in the West. He includes a Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary... the first printing of a Sanskrit grammar and of the Devanagari script in Europe" L’opera è divisa in sei parti. la Parte VI riguarda la letteratura e la lingua cinesi, i cui ideorammi sono riprodotti con precision. 
Questo esemplare è completo con la tavola fuori testo Qqq, spesso non presente per quanto menzionata nell’elenco delle tavole. L’animale esotico ritratto in questa tavola è raffigurato anche nell’incisione nel testo, nella pagina successiva. 
Cordier, BS 26-27; Caillet II, 5774; Streit V, 2380; Lust 38; de Backer-S. IV, 1064, 24; Dünnhaupt 2342, 21.2, Anm.; Walravens 19; Löwendahl 146; Merrill 20 Anm.

Condition Report

Folio, 378:240mm. Contemporary full leather binding, titles and decorations in gilt on the spine. 18 pages, including Frontispiece, Titlepage, Portrait, dedication and preface, 367, [12]. 60 engravings in the text, 23 full-page plates, two folded maps of China. Slight foxing, usual browning on some pages, good condition.

First French edition. In this beautifully illustrated work, we find important documents on the government system, geography, geology, botany, zoology and religion not only of China but also of other Asian countries. Walravens: “Kirchers Werk bedeutete einen Meilenstein in der europäischen Chinakenntnis” (Kircher's work was a milestone in European knowledge of China)
This French edition is of particular significance because it contains the first Chinese vocabulary printed in the West. Löwendahl: “This French edition contains two supplements not published before: the first is a reply by Johann Grüber to ten questions by the Grand Duke of Tuscany (on pp. 316-23); the second is a Chinese-French dictionary (on pp. 324-67), perhaps the first published Chinese-European language dictionary, which, according to Professor Szczesniak was compiled by Michael Boym.”
Merril: “Constitutes the first Chinese vocabulary ever printed in the West. He includes a Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary... the first printing of a Sanskrit grammar and of the Devanagari script in Europe" The work is divided into six parts. Part VI concerns Chinese literature and language, whose ideoramas are reproduced with precision.
This copy is complete with the tipped-in plate Qqq, often not present when mentioned in the list of plates. The exotic animal portrayed in this table is also depicted in the engraving in the text, on the next page.


Cordier, BS 26-27; Caillet II, 5774; Streit V, 2380; Lust 38; de Backer-S. IV, 1064, 24; Dünnhaupt 2342, 21.2, Anm.; Walravens 19; Löwendahl 146; Merrill 20 Anm.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padova Italia

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