French Revolution. Justice. Court costs and Process for high treason for conspiracy. 2 pamphlets.

EUR 200,00
Base d'asta
EUR 300,00 / 400,00


French Revolution. Justice. Court costs and Process for high treason for conspiracy. 2 pamphlets.
2 Placchette dell’Assemblea nazionale legislativa sulla Giustizia, 18 Gennaio – 4 Marzo 1792.
Sulle spese straordinarie dei cancellieri dei tribunali (1); Accusa di alto tradimento nei confronti del capitano Fabiany, di stanza a Carcassonne, per cospirazione contro la Francia (2). 

1. Loi Relative aux frais extraordinaires supportes par les Greffiers des tribunaux de District dans l’expedition des affaires criminelles. Donnee a Paris, le 18 Janvier 1792.
A Mont de Marsan, Leclercq, 1792
4to. 270x204 mm. Pp. 2, 2 bianche. Testatina incisa in xil. Bell’esemplare ad ampi margini.

2. Acte du Corps Legislatif, non sujet a la sanction du Roi. Acte d’accusation contre le sieur FABIANY, Capitaine au douzieme bataillon de Chasseurs. Donnee a Paris, le 4 Mars 1792.
A Beauvais, Desjardins, 1792
4to. 242x195 mm. Pp. 3, 1 bianca. Testatina incisa in xil. Note e firme manoscritte. Bell’esemplare ad ampi margini.

Condition Report

2 Booklets of the National Legislative Assembly on Justice, 1 January – 4 March 1792.
On the extraordinary expenses of court clerks (1); Accusation of Captain Fabiany, stationed in Carcassonne, of high treason for conspiracy against France (2).
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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