Astronomy. SCHÖNER. De iudiciis nativitatum libri tres.

EUR 20.000,00
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EUR 30.000,00 / 40.000,00


Astronomy. SCHÖNER. De iudiciis nativitatum libri tres.

SCHÖNER, Johann. De iudiciis nativitatum libri tres. 
Nürnberg, J. vom Berg & U. Neuber, 1545

Folio, 300x205 mm. Legatura piena pelle coeva con impressioni a secco ai piatti, etichetta con titolo al dorso, dorature al piatto rinnovate. 8 carte non numerate, incluso il frontespizio, 152 carte, marca tipografica al verso dell’ultima carta. Iniziali figurate e diverse xilografie nel testo. Alcuni piccoli difetti, piccolo strappo a c. 48, ma bell’esemplare.

Prima edizione della sua principale opera astronomica ed astrologica. Schöner, tipografo, astronomo e costruttore di strumenti di Norimberga, fu uno dei primi sostenitori di Copernico. Thorndike: “Schöner had been one of those who encouraged Copernicus to publish his magnum opus. Now in the present work, although preferring the method of Ptolemy in astrological judgments to those of subsequent astronomers, Schöner maintained that the Copernican system was not unfavorable to astrology.” A Schöner Rheticus aveva indirizzato la sua famosa "Narratio Prima" nel 1540, pubblicata come lettera aperta. 
Rosenthal: “ [i]t may well have been Schöner who suggested to Rheticus that he should learn the new astronomy, directly from Copernicus”. Il De iudiciis contiene una prefazione di Philipp Melanchton; l’opera, in tre parti, riguarda specificamente le “geniture” astrologiche. Thorndike: “He illustrated the method of finding the ascendant at birth by arguing back from the subsequent accidents befalling the person in question by his own geniture, thereby giving some autobiographical information... When fifty-eight on New Year’s Day (presumably in 1535) he had a bad fall from a height, of which ‘the cause was Saturn retrograde in Leo in the tenth house of my geniture.’ In another passage he stated that the presence of three other planets with Mercury in the aerial triplicitas produces preeminent genius and sublimity of science”. Dorbon nota che quest’opera è particolarmente notevole per le moltissime Iniziali figurate con teste di personaggi e con piccole scene ironiche.
Adams S 681; Zinner 1884; Houzeau-L. 14195; Zinner 2901; Roller-G. I, 410; Dorbon 4436; Caillet 9997; Rosenthal 3532; Thorndike V, 367; Gingerich, The Eye of Heaven, p. 176; Danielson, “Achilles Gasser and the Birth of Copernicanism,” Journal of the History of Astronomy v. 35.4 (2004), pp. 457-474.
Provenienza: Titolo con annotazione di proprietà di Johann Merz ("Mertz") von der Vils (dal 1646 proprietario di un mulino a Schmidmühlen e in seguito elevato alla nobiltà). Nota di proprietà sul foglio di guardia del figlio: “Inter suos habet me Paulus Philippus Merz de Vils”.
Per la provenienza: Josef Popp, Der Hammer zu Schmidmühlen und seine Herren, 2005.

Condition Report

Folio, 300x205 mm. contemporary blind tooled leather binding, label with title on the back, gilt on the covers renewed. 8 not numbered leaves, including title page, 152 leaves, printer’s device on last leaf. Illustrated initials and woodcuts within text. Slight defects, slight tear on leaf 48, good copy.

First edition of his main astronomical and astrological work. Schöner, a printer, astronomer and instrument maker from Nuremberg, was an early supporter of Copernicus.
Thorndike: “Schöner had been one of those who encouraged Copernicus to publish his magnum opus. Now in the present work, although preferring the method of Ptolemy in astrological judgments to those of subsequent astronomers, Schöner maintained that the Copernican system was not unfavorable to astrology.” To Schöner Rheticus he had addressed his famous "Narratio Prima" in 1540, published as an open letter.
Rosenthal: “[i]t may well have been Schöner who suggested to Rheticus that he should learn the new astronomy, directly from Copernicus”. Il De iudiciis contiene una prefazione di Philipp Melanchton; l’opera, in tre parti, riguarda specificamente le “geniture” astrologiche. Thorndike: “He illustrated the method of finding the ascendant at birth by arguing back from the subsequent accidents befalling the person in question by his own geniture, thereby giving some autobiographical information. . . . When fifty-eight on New Year’s Day (presumably in 1535) he had a bad fall from a height, of which ‘the cause was Saturn retrograde in Leo in the tenth house of my geniture.’ In another passage he stated that the presence of three other planets with Mercury in the aerial triplicitas produces preeminent genius and sublimity of science”. Dorbon notes that this work is particularly notable for the very many initials figured with characters' texts and with small ironic scenes.
Provenance: Title with ownership annotation of Johann Merz ("Mertz") von der Vils (from 1646 owner of a mill in Schmidmühlen and later elevated to nobility). Ownership note on endpaper by the son: “Inter suos habet me Paulus Philippus Merz de Vils”.


Adams S 681; Zinner 1884; Houzeau-L. 14195; Zinner 2901; Roller-G. I, 410; Dorbon 4436; Caillet 9997; Rosenthal 3532; Thorndike V, 367; Gingerich, The Eye of Heaven, p. 176; Danielson, “Achilles Gasser and the Birth of Copernicanism,” Journal of the History of Astronomy v. 35.4 (2004), pp. 457-474.

For Provenance: Josef Popp, Der Hammer zu Schmidmühlen und seine Herren, 2005.

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