LE PELETIER, comte d'AUNAY. Ethiopia War between Menelik II and Yohannes IV. Le Comte d’Ounay, charge de l’agence et [..]

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LE PELETIER, comte d'AUNAY. Ethiopia War between Menelik II and Yohannes IV. Le Comte d’Ounay, charge de l’agence et [..]
LE PELETIER, Charles Marie Stephen; comte d’ AUNAY. Le Comte d’Aunay, charge de l’agence et consulat General de France au Caire a M. de Freycinet, President du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires Etrangers.
Copia manoscritta. Le Caire, 30 Mars 1886

Folio, 270x210 mm. Pp. 1, 3 bianche. Inchiostro nero. Su carta intestata “Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies – Cabinet di Sous-Secretaire d’Etat”. Buona condizione. 

Informativa confidenziale della guerra tra Menelik II e Yohannes IV: “Le bouleversements des tribus Gallas continuent”. 
Yohannes IV, 1837 – 1889, fu imperatore d'Etiopia dal 1871 fino alla sua morte nel 1889 nella battaglia di Gallabat e re del Tigray; Menelik II, 1844 - 1913, re di Shewa dal 1866 al 1889. Fu imperatore d'Etiopia dal 1889 fino alla morte, il 12 dicembre 1913.
Charles-Marie-Stephen Le Peletier, conte di Aunay, 1840- 1918, ebbe una prestigiosa carriera diplomatica: Segretario, poi consigliere a Londra. 4 novembre 1883. Ministro a Stoccolma. 11 novembre 1885 poi Responsabile dell'agenzia e del consolato francese al Cairo. Dopo il 1894 entra in politica. Fu anche ambasciatore di Francia a Berna dal 1907 al 1911.

Condition Report

Folio, 270x210 mm. Pp. 1, 3 white. Black ink. On letterheaded paper “Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies – Cabinet of Sous-Secretaire d’Etat”. Good specimen. 

Confidential information on the war between Menelik II and Yohannes IV: “Le bouleversements des tribus Gallas continuent”.
Yohannes IV, 1837 – 1889, was emperor of Ethiopia from 1871 until his death in 1889 in the Battle of Gallabat and king of Tigray; Menelik II, 1844-1913, King of Shewa from 1866 to 1889. He was Emperor of Ethiopia from 1889 until his death on 12 December 1913.
Charles-Marie-Stephen Le Peletier, Count of Aunay, 1840-1918, had a prestigious diplomatic career: Secretary, then counselor in London. 4 November 1883. Minister in Stockholm. 11 November 1885 then Head of the French agency and consulate in Cairo. After 1894 he entered politics. He was also French ambassador to Bern from 1907 to 1911.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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