Malta. Deecree for the end of Order in France. Decret de la Convention Nationale Qui fixe le mode d’execution de la Loi [..]

EUR 200,00
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EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Malta. Deecree for the end of Order in France. Decret de la Convention Nationale Qui fixe le mode d’execution de la Loi [..]
Decret de la Convention Nationale, Du 9 Octobre 1792, l’an premiere de la Republique Francoise. Qui fixe le mode d’execution de la Loi du 19 septembre dernier, concernant la disposition des biens dont jouissoit le ci-devant Ordre de Malte.
Chaumont, Buchard, [1792]
4to. 237x195 mm. Pp. 4. Bell’esemplare ad ampi margini.

La legge riguarda la gestione dei beni confiscati all’Ordine di Malta il 19 Settembre. L’ordine era stato soppresso nel 1791. Questa legge decretò la fine dell’Ordine di Malta in Francia. 

Condition Report

4to. 237x195 mm. Pp. 4. Nice specimen with wide margins.

The law concerns the management of assets confiscated from the Order of Malta on 19 September. The order had been suppressed in 1791. This law decreed the end of the Order of Malta in France.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padova Italia

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