Alchemy - Chemistry. CROLL. Basilica Chymica.

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Alchemy - Chemistry. CROLL. Basilica Chymica.

CROLL, Oswald. Basilica Chymica, Pluribus Selectis et Secretissimis propria manuali experientia approbatis descriptionibus, & usu remediorum Spagyricorum aucta a Johan. Hartmanno.
[In fine:] Venezia, Combi, 1643

3 parti in un volume in 16mo. 155x95 mm. Legatura in piena pergamena rigida, titolo manoscritto al dorso, fogli di guardia rinnovati. Pagine 469, (11); 204, (2), manca l’ultima carta bianca; 104, (48). Colophon con data di stampa alla fine delle parti 1 e 2. Indice finale di 48 pagine. 2 illustrazioni di amuleti alle pagine 357 e 362 e numerosi simboli alchemici. Lievi tracce d’uso e qualche macchietta, buon esemplare. 

Rara edizione curata da Johann Hartmann, che aggiunge le sue annotazioni. Il libro è diviso in tre parti: la “Basilica Chymica” cioé la ‘Chimica Reale’, in cui Croll illustra l’uso dei rimedi chimici per la cura delle malattie; la “Praefatio admonitoria” una lunga dissertazioni in cui sono esposte le dottrine di Paracelso; il “Tractatus de Signaturis, ‘Trattato delle segnature’, ove sono indicati i rapporti delle piante con le differenti parti del corpo umano. Alla fine della terza parte sono riportati i simboli e i caratteri alchemici che rappresentano le sostanze chimiche e minerali. Stillman: “Oswald Crollius... was another influential advocate of Paracelsus, and a contributor to the chemical remedies. His Basilica Chymica... was his most popular work. It contained an exposition of the teachings of Paracelsus, a treatise on materia medica in which he emphasizes the chemical medicines, and a treatise on the doctrine of Signatures, a subject also treated in the Paracelsian literature, and which assumes that medicinal plants or other sources of medicine bear some symbol or sign of their value for medicine in their color, shape or other visible sign, by which God intends that their shall become known to those expert and wise in the interpretation of these signs.” DSB: “The Basilica chymica became the standard scientific work of iatrochemistry.”
Cfr. Caillet, 2702. Ferguson I, 187; DSB 3, 471; Magica Casanatense 335. Dorbon, 945 per altre edizioni. Stillman, Early Chemistry, pp. 354-55. Bibliotheca Hermetica, p. 80. 

Condition Report

3 parts in one volume in 16mo. 155x95mm. Full vellum binding, handwritten title on the spine, new endpapers. Pages 469, (11); 204, (2), the last blank leaf is missing; 104, (48). Colophon with printing date at the end of parts 1 and 2. Final index of 48 pages. 2 illustrations of amulets on pages 357 and 362 and numerous alchemical symbols. Slight traces of use and some stains, good copy.

Rare edition edited by Johann Hartmann, who adds his annotations. The book is divided into three parts: the "Basilica Chymica" that is the 'Real Chemistry', in which Croll illustrates the use of chemical remedies for the treatment of diseases; the "Praefatio admonitoria" a long dissertation in which the doctrines of Paracelsus are exposed; the "Tractatus de Signaturis, 'Treatise of signatures', where the relationships of plants with the different parts of the human body are indicated. At the end of the third part, the alchemical symbols representing the chemical and mineral substances are shown.
Stillman: “Oswald Crollius... was another influential advocate of Paracelsus, and a contributor to the chemical remedies. His Basilica Chymica... was his most popular work. It contained an exposition of the teachings of Paracelsus, a treatise on materia medica in which he emphasizes the chemical medicines, and a treatise on the doctrine of Signatures, a subject also treated in the Paracelsian literature, and which assumes that medicinal plants or other sources of medicine bear some symbol or sign of their value for medicine in their color, shape or other visible sign, by which God intends that their shall become known to those expert and wise in the interpretation of these signs.” DSB: “The Basilica chymica became the standard scientific work of iatrochemistry.”


Caillet, 2702. Ferguson I, 187; DSB 3, 471; Magica Casanatense 335. Dorbon, 945 per altre edizioni. Stillman, Early Chemistry, pp. 354-55. Bibliotheca Hermetica, p. 80. 
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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