Repeat offenders in New Caledonia and Guyana. DAUPHIN. Chambre des Deputes. Decret du President de la Republique portant [..]

EUR 250,00
Base d'asta
EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Repeat offenders in New Caledonia and Guyana. DAUPHIN. Chambre des Deputes. Decret du President de la Republique portant [..]
DAUPHIN, Albert. Chambre des Deputes. Quatrieme Legislature. Session de 1887. Decret du President de la Republique portant retrait du projet de loi ayant pour objet d’ouvrir un credit extraordinaire de 725.000 fr. pour acquisition d’immeubles, constructions et amenegements en vue de l’application de la loi du 27 mai 1885 sur la relegation des recidivistes.
Paris, Quantin, 1887

Folio, 282x220 mm. Pp. 2, 2 bianche. Buona conservazione. 

Decreto firmato dal Ministro delle Finanza A. Dauphin, che sospende il progetto di legge relativo al finanziamento per costruire alloggi per i forzati nelle Colonie. I recidivi erano inviati in Nuova Caledonia e in Guayana; la relegazione consentì alla Francia sbarazzarsi di oltre 22.000 detenuti dal 1887 al 1938.
A. Dauphin, 1827-1898, fu deputato nel 1872 e poi Senatore dal 1876 al 1898; fu Ministro delle Finanze del Governo Goblet dall’11 dicembre 1886 al 29 maggio 1887. 

Condition Report

Folio, 282x220 mm. Pp. 2, 2 blanks. Good condition.

Decree signed by the Minister of Finance A. Dauphin, which suspends the bill relating to the financing to build housing for prisoners sentenced to hard labor in the Colonies. Repeat offenders were sent to New Caledonia and Guyana; the confinement allowed France to get rid of over 22,000 prisoners from 1887 to 1938.
A. Dauphin, 1827-1898, was a member of parliament in 1872 and then a senator from 1876 to 1898; he was Finance Minister of the Goblet Government from 11 December 1886 to 29 May 1887.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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