PMM. AGRICOLA. De re metallica libri XII.

EUR 16.000,00
Base d'asta
EUR 25.000,00 / 28.000,00


PMM. AGRICOLA. De re metallica libri XII.

AGRICOLA, Georg. De re metallica libri XII: quibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia deniq[ue] ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissime describuntur, sed & per effigies, suis locis insertas …
Eiusdem De animantibus subterraneis liber, ab Autore recognitus: cum indicibus diversis, quicquid in opere tractatum est, pulchre demonstrantibus
Basel, Hieronymus Froben and Nicolaus Episcopius, 1556

Folio. 305x200 mm. Legatura coeva in piena pergamena rigida, titolo e fregio manoscritti sul dorso a 5 nervi. Pagine [12, compresa la carta bianca a6], 538 [i.e. 502], [74], 2 Tavole ripiegate fuori testo incise in xilografia. Segn.: a6 a-z6A-2B6. Numerosi errori di numerazione. Marca Tipografica al Frontespizio e al verso dell’ultima carta, Iniziali figurate, carattere corsivo, romano, greco, gotico, moltissime illustrazioni silografiche nel testo di diverse dimensioni. Ex libris di antico possessore manoscritto al Frontespizio. Lievi tracce d’uso e qualche intervento antico di censura, in complesso bell’esemplare con ampi margini. 

Rara prima edizione, magnificamente figurata. Dibner: “One of the earliest books on technology”. L’opera, ripartita in dodici libri, tratta dell’estrazione dei metalli e tutto ciò che riguarda l’industria mineraria. I primi sei libri trattano dell'"arte di estrarre i metalli" e quindi dell'attività mineraria vera e propria. Il libro VII tratta di forni e operazioni per testare minerali e metalli. Il libro VIII studia la preparazione dei minerali (frantumazione, macinazione, lavaggio, ecc.). Il libro IX descrive i forni, le macchine e gli strumenti necessari, e i libri X e XI la raffinazione dei metalli. Il libro XII tratta di sali, nitrati, allumi, sostanze solforose e termina con la fabbricazione del vetro. I passaggi più importanti del trattato trattano di meccanica, uso dell'energia idrica, sistemi di pompaggio, ventilazione, trasporto di minerali e mostrano una tecnologia molto elaborata.
Le illustrazioni sono state disegnate da Basilius Wefring, e sono impresse in xilografia da Hans Rudolf Manuel, che ne sottoscrive alcune col suo monogramma, e da Zacharias Specklin: contengono moltissimi dettagli di carattere tecnico ed ebbero un ruolo decisivo nel successo del libro. 
Dibner: “At a time when most industrial processes were held secret by families, guilds, or towns, Agricola saw fit to publish every practice and improvement that he considered of value, and to use Latin to gain the widest circulation in his homeland and abroad. He had little to draw on from earlier sources that had any practical value.”
PMM: “first systematic treatise on mining and metallurgy and one of the first technological books of modern times”.
Norman: “The twelve books of Agricola's treatise. embrace everything connected with Renaissance mining and metallurgical industries, including administration, the duties of companies and workers, prospecting, mechanical engineering, ore processing and the manufacture of glass, sulfur and alum. Book VI provides detailed descriptions of sixteenth-century mining technologies, such as the use of water-power for crushing ore and the improvements in suction pumps and ventilation that became necessary as mine shafts were sunk deeper underground; it also includes an account of the diseases and accidents prevalent among miners, along with the means of preventing them. De re metallica remained the standard textbook on mining and metallurgy for over two hundred years.”

Condition Report

Folio. 305x200 mm. Contemporary full stiff vellum binding, handwritten ornament and title on spine with 5 nervs. Pp. [12, including the blank leaf a6], 538 [i.e. 502], [74], 2 folded woodcut plate. Collation: a6 a-z6A-2B6. Several numbering errors. Printer’s device on titlepage and on blank leaf verso. Illustrated initials; italic, roman, greek and gothic types, a lot of woodcut illustrations of different sizes in the text. Ex Libris of ancient owner handwritten on titlepage. Slight traces of wear and some ancient censorship; nice copy with wide margins.

Rare first edition, beautifully illustrated. Dibner: ‘One of the earliest books on technology’. The work, divided into twelve books, deals with metal mining and everything related to the mining industry. The first six books deal with the ‘art of metal mining’ and thus with mining itself. Book VII deals with furnaces and operations for testing ores and metals. Book VIII studies the preparation of ores (crushing, grinding, washing, etc.). Book IX describes the necessary furnaces, machines and instruments, and Books X and XI the refining of metals. Book XII deals with salts, nitrates, alums, sulphurous substances and ends with the manufacture of glass. The most important passages of the treatise deal with mechanics, the use of water power, pumping systems, ventilation, mineral transport and show a very elaborate technology.
The illustrations were drawn by Basilius Wefring, and are impressed in woodcuts by Hans Rudolf Manuel, who underwrites some of them with his monogram, and Zacharias Specklin: they contain many technical details and played a decisive role in the book's success.
Dibner: “At a time when most industrial processes were held secret by families, guilds, or towns, Agricola saw fit to publish every practice and improvement that he considered of value, and to use Latin to gain the widest circulation in his homeland and abroad. He had little to draw on from earlier sources that had any practical value.”
PMM: “first systematic treatise on mining and metallurgy and one of the first technological books of modern times”.
Norman: “The twelve books of Agricola's treatise. embrace everything connected with Renaissance mining and metallurgical industries, including administration, the duties of companies and workers, prospecting, mechanical engineering, ore processing and the manufacture of glass, sulfur and alum. Book VI provides detailed descriptions of sixteenth-century mining technologies, such as the use of water-power for crushing ore and the improvements in suction pumps and ventilation that became necessary as mine shafts were sunk deeper underground; it also includes an account of the diseases and accidents prevalent among miners, along with the means of preventing them. De re metallica remained the standard textbook on mining and metallurgy for over two hundred years.”


Adams A349; BMC German 8; Darmstaedter pp. 85-6; Dibner, Heralds 88; Honeyman 30; Hoover 17; Norman 20; PMM 79; Ward & Carozzi 31.
Cfr. Dibner, Agricola on Metals, 1958. Hoover, Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica; Translated From The First Latin Edition of 1556 with Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law from the earliest times to the 16th Century, 1912.

mer 4 Dicembre 2024
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