DIDEROT – ALEMBERT. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers par une société [..]

EUR 20.000,00
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EUR 25.000,00 / 30.000,00


DIDEROT – ALEMBERT. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers par une société [..]

DIDEROT, Denis – ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d'; et al. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers par une société de gens de lettres.
Paris et Neufchâtel, Briasson, David, Le Breton, Durand, Samuel, Faulche, (Amsterdam,). M. Rey pour les Suppléments), 1751-1777

33 Volumi in-folio. 390x246 mm. Legatura coeva in piena pelle marmorizzata quasi uniformi, dorso a nervi con fregi dorati, tasselli con titolo e numero del volume, tagli rossi. Comprende:

17 volumi di Testo e 11 volumi di Planches.
Paris, Le Breton, Briasson, David, Durand; Neuchâtel, Faulche, dal1751 al 1772;

4 volumi di Supplemento con il testo e 1 volume con il Supplemento delle tavole.
Rey, Amsterdam, e Panckoucke, Stoupe et Brunet, Paris, [1776-1777]
In totale 21 volumi di testo e 12 volumi di tavole.
Qualche dorso rovinato e tracce d’uso alle legature, internamente alcuni piccoli strappetti restaurati, nel complesso buon esemplare. 

Edizione illustrata con 3129 tavole incise, comprese le tavole degli ermafroditi nel volume XII. Opera con l’Antiporta al primo volume, le tabelle ripiegate fuori testo nei volumi I e VIII, tutte le tavole incise e i Supplementi a cura di Jean Baptiste Rene Robinet.

Edizione originale. L'Encyclopedie è l'opera più importante pubblicata nel XVIII secolo, uno dei libri fondanti la storia delle idee nel mondo occidentale. Il successo dell’Encyclopédie fu immediato, e la sua influenza incalcolabile in tutti i campi del sapere, da quello scientifico a quello filosofico passando per la politica e l’economia: basti qui ricordare, tra i redattori, i nomi di Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Necker, Condorcet, Quesnay e Turgot.
PMM, 200: «A monument in the history of European thought; the acme of the age of reason; a prime motive force in undermining the ancien régime and in heralding the French Revolution; a permanent source for all aspects of eighteenth-century civilization . Each volume as it appeared caused a sensation throughout Europe. The court, the church, the judiciary were outraged; the number of subscribers, originally one thousand, rose to four thousand. In 1759, the seven volumes so far published were banned by the French Attorney-General and condemned by the Pope. Le Breton, however, carried on clandestinely and in 1765 completed the tenth volume, the last according to the prospectus». 
Printing and the Mind of Man: «A monument and signpost in the history of European thought; the acme of French Enlightenment; a herald of the French revolution; and a permanent source for all aspects of eighteenth-century civilization » En français dans le texte: «Sous la direction de Diderot et d’Alembert, plus de deux cents collaborateurs connus ont collaboré à cette entreprise, l’une des plus ambitieuse qu’ait tentées l’édition française sous l’Ancien régime».
Adams, Bibliographie Diderot, G1; Brunet, 31851; Lough 15-21 & 52-110. Darnton 34.
Cfr. John Carter, Stanley Morison, Percy H. Muir et alii (eds.), Printing and the Mind of Man, n. 200; En français dans le texte, n. 156.

Condition Report

33 in-folio volumes. 390x246 mm. Contemporary binding in full marbled leather almost uniform, spine with bands with gilt ornaments, labels with title and volume number, red edges. Including:

17 volumes of Text and 11 volumes of Planches.
Paris, Le Breton, Briasson, David, Durand; Neuchâtel, Faulche, from1751 to 1772;

4 volumes of Supplement with Text and 1 volume with Supplement of Planches.
Rey, Amsterdam, and Panckoucke, Stoupe et Brunet, Paris, [1776-1777].
In total 21 volumes of text and 12 volumes of plates.
A few ruined spines and traces of wear to the bindings, internally some small restored tears, overall good copy. 

Illustrated edition with 3129 engraved plates, including plates of hermaphrodites in volume XII. Work with Frontispiece to volume I, folded tables o.t. in volumes I and VIII, all engraved plates and Supplements edited by Jean Baptiste Rene Robinet.

First edition. The Encyclopedie is the most important work published in the 18th century, one of the founding books in the history of ideas in the western world. The Encyclopédie's success was immediate, and its influence incalculable in all fields of knowledge, from science to philosophy via politics and economics: suffice it to mention, among its editors, the names of Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Necker, Condorcet, Quesnay and Turgot.
PMM, 200: «A monument in the history of European thought; the acme of the age of reason; a prime motive force in undermining the ancien régime and in heralding the French Revolution; a permanent source for all aspects of eighteenth-century civilization. Each volume as it appeared caused a sensation throughout Europe. The court, the church, the judiciary were outraged; the number of subscribers, originally one thousand, rose to four thousand. In 1759, the seven volumes so far published were banned by the French Attorney-General and condemned by the Pope. Le Breton, however, carried on clandestinely and in 1765 completed the tenth volume, the last according to the prospectus». 
Printing and the Mind of Man: «A monument and signpost in the history of European thought; the acme of French Enlightenment; a herald of the French revolution; and a permanent source for all aspects of eighteenth-century civilization». En français dans le texte: «Sous la direction de Diderot et d’Alembert, plus de deux cents collaborateurs connus ont collaboré à cette entreprise, l’une des plus ambitieuse qu’ait tentées l’édition française sous l’Ancien régime».
Adams, Bibliographie Diderot, G1; Brunet, 31851; Lough 15-21 & 52-110. Darnton 34.
Cfr. John Carter, Stanley Morison, Percy H. Muir et alii (eds.), Printing and the Mind of Man, n. 200; En français dans le texte, n. 156.


Adams, Bibliographie Diderot, G1; Brunet, 31851; Lough 15-21 & 52-110. Darnton 34.
Cfr. John Carter, Stanley Morison, Percy H. Muir et alii (eds.), Printing and the Mind of Man, n. 200; En français dans le texte, n. 156.

mar 11 Febbraio 2025
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ESIBIZIONE: 6-8 Febbraio 2024 solo su appuntamento.