4 rare works of the XVIth century.
Small 4to, 200x155 mm; XVIIIth century in full stiff vellum binding, title written on the spine.
1. MATURANZIO, Francesco. De Componendis carminibus opusculum [follow:] Nicolai Perotti Sypontini de generibus metrorum; Eiusdem de Horatii Flacci ac Severini Boetii metris; Omni boni Vicentini de Arte metrica libellus; Servii Mauri honorati Grammatici Centimetrum
Venezia, Gulielmus de Fontaneto Montisferati 1512
Leaves 40 nn.; illustrated initials, Round type; manuscript notes. On versification. F. Maturanzio (1443-1518) humanist from Perugia, in 1471 undertook a trip to Greece from which he returned carrying many codices. It succeed in Vicenza to his master L. Ognibene, present here with the third work on metrics. Woodworm holes on the A1 paper of the first work with loss of text, some humidity veils and traces of use.
British Lib. Cat. 215-290.
Bound with:
2. SULPIZIO, Giovanni. Scansiones Sulpitii.
Venezia, Gulielmus de Fontaneto Montisferati 1511
Leaves 32 nn. last blank; illustrated initials, Round type; manuscripts notes.
Bound with:
3. SCAURI, Terentius. Terentij Scauri gramatici nobiliss. orthographia…
Pesaro, Hier. Soncino 1511
Leaves 40 nn.; Round type; Manuscripts notes.
Collection of different works on the language.
Manzoni, Annali Soncino, 66.
Var. B SBN: cfr. Manzoni, cit., p. 294-295. Segn.: a-g4 A-C4.
Bound with:
4. PALAEPHATI. Palaephati fragmenta a hyeronimo Soncino nuc primu pisauri publica luce condonati
On leaf 13 verso: Pesaro, Hier. Soncino 1511
Leaves 16;first leaf with heading, leaf 2 bears title:
Fragmenta Palaephati De historiis incredibilibus ex graeco in latinum traslata.
First edition in Latin of the fragments on the fantastic stories of Palefato, an important work in which the pupil of Aristophanes proposes a rational interpretation of the myths.
Manzoni, Annali Soncino, 65; Fumagalli 299; Graesse, V, 103; No Adams.
Four works of notable rarity, particularly the last two printed by Soncino in Pesaro: of these the Palefato fragments are of special importance since it is the first edition in Latin.