American Indipendece War - Autograph. PICKERING. Receipt for payment to a craftsman of Parsell's Company.

EUR 300,00
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EUR 400,00 / 500,00


American Indipendece War - Autograph. PICKERING. Receipt for payment to a craftsman of Parsell's Company.
PICKERING, Timothy. Ricevuta per il pagamento di un artigiano della Parsell’s Company.
Newburg, 3 Marzo 1783

Un foglio in 8vo oblungo. 110x202 mm. Su carta forte vergelllata. Testo su una pagina, grafia in nitido corsivo, inchiostro bruno. Buona conservazione. 

“No. 574 Newburgh 3 March 1783 Received of Timy Pichering Qmg [Quartermaster general] to D. Wolfe, Ninety three dollars and Heighty two cents in full for pay due to my father Benjamin Crain as artificer in Mr. John Parsells company commencing the fourth day of June last as of payoll having signed duplicates. James Crain”.

Biglietto autografo di Timoty Pickering, membro del Quartier Generale durante la Guerra d’Indipendenza Americana. La ricevuta per il pagamento di un artigiano della Parsell’s Company, non firmata, è indirizzata a David Wolfe, aiutante di campo del generale. L’artigiano si chiama Benjamin Crain e gli sono dovuti novantatre dollari e ottantadue centesimi. 
T. Pickering, Salem 1745-1829, uomo politico americano, Generale nella Guerra d’Indipendenza, amico intimo e Segretario di Stato di Washington, prese parte alle epiche battaglie di Brandywine, 11 Settembre 1777, e di Germantown, 4 Ottobre dello stesso anno.
Nel 1783 Pickering si era schierato con gli istigatori della "rivolta di Newburgh" e si risentì per le accuse mosse contro di loro. Alla fine della Rivoluzione, stanco del servizio pubblico e della sua retribuzione insufficiente, lasciò il Quartier Generale iniziò un'operazione commerciale con il suo amico Samuel Hodgdon, un commerciante di Filadelfia. 

Condition Report

PICKERING, Timothy. Receipt for payment to a craftsman of Parsell's Company.
Newburg, March 3, 1783

An oblong 8vo sheet. 110x202 mm. On thick laid paper. Text on one page, clear cursive handwriting, brown ink. Good condition.

“No. 574 Newburgh 3 March 1783 Received of Timy Pichering Qmg [Quartermaster general] to D. Wolfe, Ninety three dollars and Heighty two cents in full for pay due to my father Benjamin Crain as artificer in Mr. John Parsells company commencing the fourth day of June last as of payoll having signed duplicates. James Crain”.

Autograph card by Timoty Pickering, member of the General Headquarters during the American Revolutionary War. The receipt for the payment of a craftsman of Parsell's Company, unsigned, is addressed to David Wolfe, aide-de-camp to the general. The craftsman's name is Benjamin Crain and he is owed ninety-three dollars and eighty-two cents.
T. Pickering, Salem 1745-1829, American politician, General in the Revolutionary War, close friend and Secretary of State of Washington, took part in the epic battles of Brandywine, September 11, 1777, and Germantown, October 4 of the same year.
In 1783, Pickering had sided with the instigators of the "Newburgh Revolt" and resented the charges made against them. By the end of the Revolution, weary of public service and its insufficient pay, he left the quartermaster generalship and began a trading operation with his friend Samuel Hodgdon, a merchant in Philadelphia. By 1785, he had acquired a large speculative interest in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania.
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