Imperiali's library. FONTANINI. Bibliothecae Josephi Renati Imperialis Catalogus.

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Imperiali's library. FONTANINI. Bibliothecae Josephi Renati Imperialis Catalogus.

 FONTANINI, Giusto. Bibliothecae Josephi Renati Imperialis Catalogus. Roma, Francesco Gonzaga, 1711

Folio, mm. 335x225; Legatura coeva in pieno marocchino marrone, doppia cornice con fleurons in oro al centro e agli angoli interni in oro, fregio e tit. in oro al dorso; pp. 2, V, 1 nn. ,1-582, 2 b., 583-738. Grande vign. inc. in r. al Front. con lo stemma del Cardinale, Iniz. figur. e istorialte. Diffuse lievi fioriture, ma buon esemplare. 

Prima edizione. Il catalogo della prestigiosa biblioteca del Cardinale Giuseppe Imperiali fu redatto dal Fontanini, all’epoca suo bibliotecario: sono descritte oltre ventimila opere, nella prima parte ordinate per autore, nella seconda per argomento. Taylor: “The care shown in describing and classifying the books makes the Imperiali catalogue and its subject-index a good source of information about seventeenth-century books.” Pollard & Ehrman: “the Imperiali catalogue … includes under each author’s name all his contributions to the periodicals and miscellanies in the library as well as his separately published books. For this reason it was recognised as a useful work of reference on its own.” La biblioteca fu dispersa alla fine del Settecento.

Condition Report

Folio, mm. 335x225; Contemporary full morocco binding, double frames with fleurons gilded at the centre and at the corners, ornaments and titles on the spine; pp. 2, V, 1 nn., 1-582, 2 bl., 583-738. Wide vignette engraved with the device of the Carnival, illustrated initials. Slight spread foxing, good copy.

First edition. The catalogue of the prestigious library of Cardinal Joseph Imperiali was drafted by Fontaniniat the time his librarian: over twenty thousand works are described in the first part ordered by author, in the second by topic. Taylor: "The care shown in describing and classifying the books makes the Imperiali catalogue and its subject-index a good source of information about seventeenth-century books." Pollard & Ehrman: "the Imperiali catalogue" includes under each author's name all his contributions to the periodicals and miscellanies in the library as well as his separately published books. For this reason it was recognised as a useful work of reference on its own. The library was scattered at the end of the eighteenth century.


Taylor, General Subject-Indexes since 1548, p. 185; Pollard & Ehrman, p. 262. Cfr. NUC, v. 177, p. 182; Diz. Biografico Italiani,LXII, p. 306.
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