Etching and aquatint with drypoint. Measures: sheet mm. 620x445; engraving mm. 103x68; Seal in bottom right with author’s signature. Specimen with wide and uncut margins and in excellent condition.
Beautiful etching and aquatint with drypoint on sheet with wide and uncut margins, with signature in the bottom right. Rare engraving by Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo, a versatile Spanish artist known throughout the world for his textile production inspired by Art Nouveau and oriental-style silk brocades. Fortuny is a central figure in the history of European engraving art, like his father Mariano Fortuny Y Marsal and his countrymen Ribera and Goya. M. L. Cuenca y R. Vives. Mariano Fortuny Marsal, Mariano Fortuny Madrazo: dibujos, grabados. Madrid, Electa, Biblioteca Nacional, 1994.