Alchemy. CROLL. Basilica chymica continens philosophicam propria laborum experientia.

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Alchemy. CROLL. Basilica chymica continens philosophicam propria laborum experientia.

CROLL, Oswald. Basilica chymica continens philosophicam propria laborum experientia confirmatam descriptionem et usum remediorum chymicorum selectissimorum e lumine gratiae et naturae desumptorum. In fine libri additus est Autoris eiusdem tractatus novus de signaturis rerum internis
Francoforte, Gotffried Tampach, [1611]

3 parti in un volume in 4to. 170x220 mm. Legatura coeva in pergamena floscia. Pagine 16, 283, 1, 24, Index; 16, 80; 16, 20. Frontespizio figurato incisa in rame, tutte le carte entro cornice xilografica, Iniziali e fregi xilografici. Nota manoscritta di un medico del XVII secolo al Frontespixio: Guillaume. Numerose note antiche ai margini. Foxing e qualche velatura d’acqua, danni all'angolo superiore degli ultimi 10 fogli, senza danno al testo. Copia genuina.

Rara edizione di Francoforte. La Basilica Chymica è il trattato principale di Croll è diviso in tre parti: un trattato sulla chimica medica e sulla preparazione dei rimedi, che occupa la maggior parte del volume, seguito dal trattato sulle firme e da un'elegia di Ulrich Bollinger : De vera antiqua philosophica medicina Elegia. Alla fine sono riportati i simboli e i caratteri alchemici che rappresentano le sostanze chimiche e minerali.
Stillman: “Oswald Crollius... was another influential advocate of Paracelsus, and a contributor to the chemical remedies. His Basilica Chymica... was his most popular work. It contained an exposition of the teachings of Paracelsus, a treatise on materia medica in which he emphasizes the chemical medicines, and a treatise on the doctrine of Signatures, a subject also treated in the Paracelsian literature, and which assumes that medicinal plants or other sources of medicine bear some symbol or sign of their value for medicine in their color, shape or other visible sign, by which God intends that their shall become known to those expert and wise in the interpretation of these signs.” DSB: “The Basilica chymica became the standard scientific work of iatrochemistry.”
Il frontespizio riccamente inciso da Aegidius Sadeler, contiene i ritratti di 6 famosi alchimisti: Ermete Trismegisto, Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan), Ruggero Bacone, Paracelso, Raimondo Lullo e Morienus Romanus di Gerusalemme.
Questa edizione non reca l’anno di pubblicazione, ma ha il privilegio con data 1608. Krivatsy cita un esemplare dello stesso editore con il privilegio datato 1622. VD17 12:666248P data questa edizione verso il 1611. La prima edizione apparve sempre a Francoforte intorno al 1609, pubblicata da Claude de Marne. Questa sembra essere quindi la seconda edizione in latino. 
Il medico e alchimista tedesco Oswald Croll,1563-1609, studiò a Magdeburgo, Heidelberg, Strasburgo e Ginevra. Medico itinerante e sostenitore della dottrina di Paracelso, ebbe un ruolo importante alla corte di Praga nell'entourage di Rodolfo II. 
Duveen, p. 150; Partington II, pp. 174-177; Krivatsy 2915. Cfr. Stillman, Early Chemistry, pp. 354-55; Thorndike V, pp. 649-651.
Per Croll: DSB III, pp. 471-472.

Condition Report

3 parts in a volume in 4to. 170x220 mm. Contemporary limp vellum binding. Pages 16, 283, 1, 24 Index; 16, 80; 16, 20. Copper-engraved Titlepage, all leaves within woodcut frame, woodcut initials and ornaments. Handwritten Marginalia of ancient hand. Handwritten note by a 17th century physician on the Titlepage: Guillaume. Foxing and some dampstain, damage to the upper corner of the last 10 leaves, without damage to the text, unsophisticated copy.

The Basilica Chymica is Croll's main treatise and is divided into three parts: a treatise on medical chemistry and the preparation of remedies, which occupies most of the volume, followed by the treatise on signatures and an elegy by Ulrich Bollinger: De vera antiqua philosophica medicina Elegia. At the end are reported the alchemical symbols and characters that represent the chemical and mineral substances. Stillman: “Oswald Crollius... was another influential advocate of Paracelsus, and a contributor to the chemical remedies. His Basilica Chymica... was his most popular work. It contained an exposition of the teachings of Paracelsus, a treatise on materia medica in which he emphasizes the chemical medicines, and a treatise on the doctrine of Signatures, a subject also treated in the Paracelsian literature, and which assumes that medicinal plants or other sources of medicine bear some symbol or sign of their value for medicine in their color, shape or other visible sign, by which God intends that their shall become known to those expert and wise in the interpretation of these signs.” DSB: “The Basilica chymica became the standard scientific work of iatrochemistry.”
The richly engraved general title-page by Aegidius Sadeler includes the portraits of 6 famous alchemists: Hermes Trismegistus, Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan), Roger Bacon, Paracelcus, Ramon Llull and Morienus Romanus of Jerusalem. 17th-century vellum.
This edition does not bear the year of publication, but has the privilege dated 1608. Krivatsy cites a copy from the same publisher with the privilege dated 1622. VD17 12:666248P dates this edition to around 1611. The first edition also appeared in Frankfurt around 1609, published by Claude de Marne. This therefore appears to be the second edition in Latin.
The German physician and alchemist Oswald Croll, 1563-1609, studied in Magdeburg, Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Geneva. An itinerant physician and supporter of the doctrine of Paracelsus, he played an important role at the court of Prague in the entourage of Rudolf II.


Duveen, p. 150; Partington II, pp. 174-177; Krivatsy 2915. Cfr. Stillman, Early Chemistry, pp. 354-55; Thorndike V, pp. 649-651.
Per Croll: DSB III, pp. 471-472.

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