Parchment Manuscript. LOUIS XIV. Appointment of company captain for 'Sieur Fruit'. Handwritten document with the [..]

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Parchment Manuscript. LOUIS XIV. Appointment of company captain for 'Sieur Fruit'. Handwritten document with the [..]
LOUIS XIV. Nomina di capitano di compagnia per ‘Sieur Fruit’. Documento manoscritto con firma del Re.
Versailles le 16 décembre 1691

Manoscritto su pergamena. 300x490 mm. Testo sul recto, nitida scrittura cancelleresca, inchiostro nero. Firma del Re ’Louis’ in fine. Documento controfirmato da François Michel Le Tellier, marquis de Louvois. Traccia di sigillo di cera marrone. Tracce d’uso e taglio che non intacca il testo. 

Incarico di capitano di compagnia del reggimento di cavalleria di Souastre per Jean-Guillaume Fruict, conferito a Versailles il 16 dicembre 1691. Jean-Guillaume Fruict, 1653-1717, era stato in precedenza capitano del reggimento di Guines; grazie a questa promozione divenne capitano del reggimento Souastre nell'attuale dipartimento del Pas-de-Calais.
Cfr. ‘Genealogie Fruict Lille’, in: http://jm.poutrain.free.fr/blasons/genea_leuridan/fruict.html.

Condition Report

LOUIS XIV. Appointment of company captain for 'Sieur Fruit'. Handwritten document with the King's signature.
Versailles on 16 December 1691

Parchment manuscript. 300x490 mm. Text on front, clear bureaucratic style writing, black ink. King ‘Louis’ signature at the end. Countersignature by Michel (IV) Le Tellier, marquis de Louvois. Trace of brown sealing wax. Traces of wear and tear with no damage to text.

Commission of company captain of the Souastre cavalry regiment for Jean-Guillaume Fruict, awarded at Versailles on 16 December 1691. Jean-Guillaume Fruict, 1653-1717, had previously been captain of the Guines regiment; thanks to this promotion he became captain of the Souastre regiment in the current department of Pas-de-Calais.


Cfr. ‘Genealogie Fruict Lille’, in: http://jm.poutrain.free.fr/blasons/genea_leuridan/fruict.html.
mar 11 Febbraio 2025
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