PMM. EULER. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum.

EUR 5.000,00
Starting price
EUR 6.000,00 / 7.000,00


PMM. EULER. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum.


EULER, Leonhard. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum.

Lausanne, Bousquet, 1748

2 tomi in 1 vol. in-4to, mm. 250x200; Leg. piena pergamena coeva, tassello al dorso, tagli in rosso; pp. 4 nn., XVI, 320, Antip. allegorica inc in r. da Soubeyran, Ritratto inc. da Ficquet, una tabella f.t. ripieg.; pp. 4 nn., 398, 2 nn., la prima carta bianca; 40 Tavole ripieg. f.t. numer. I-XL, inserite entro i volumi, disegnate all’epoca con filigrana e contromarca “AHF con leone”. Nota di appartenza mss. al Front. di antico possessore “Zangiacomi Gius. Val. Cav. Opiterginum”. Fresco e bell’esemplare. 

Prima edizione dell’opera più celebre di Eulero. Honeyman: “The first appearance of the definition of mathematical function, one of the fundamental concepts of modern mathematics”. PMM: “In his ‘Introduction to Mathematical Analysis’ Euler did for modern anlysis what Euclid had done for ancient geometry. It contains an exposition of algebra, trigonometry and analytical geometry, both plane and solid, a definition of logarithms as exponents, and important contributions to the theory of equations. He evolved the modern exponential treatment of logarithms, including the fact that each number has an infinity of natural logarithms. In the early chapters there appears for the first time the definition of mathematical function, one of the fundamental concepts of modern mathematics.” Cajori: “A work that caused a revolution in analytical mathematics, a subject which had hitherto never been presented in so general systematic manner.” Honeyman, n. 1065; P.M.M., 196; Cajori, p. 233; Norman 732.

thu 26 September 2024
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