Telegraphy. WEST-MANN. Two works on transatlantic cables.

EUR 150,00
Base d'asta
EUR 200,00 / 300,00


Telegraphy. WEST-MANN. Two works on transatlantic cables.
WEST, Charles. Discours sur la Télégraphie Sous-Marine & Souterraine prononcé le vendredi 8 février 1861 à l'Institut Royale du Service Uni à Londres (trad. de l'anglais).
Paris, chez l'Auteur, 1861

In-8vo, mm. 220 x 140, Brochure editoriale. Pp. 31. Buon esemplare.

Charles West insiste sulla superiorità del rivestimento in caoutchou rispetto alla guttaperca per i cavi transatlantici.

Unito con: MANN, Robert James. The Atlantic Telegraph. A History of preliminary experimental proceedings, and a descriptive account of the present state & prospects of the undertaking. Published by order of the Directors of the Company.
London, Jarrold and Sons, July 1857

In-8vo; mm. 240 x 155. Tela editoriale, titolo impresso in oro al piatto anteriore. Pp. 69 con una carta acquerellata dei fondali atlantici in apertura e una tav. f.t. in litografia con reperti di corpi marini. Ottimo esemplare.

Dettagliato resoconto delle ricerche, dei sondaggi e delle difficoltà tecniche incontrate nel primo progetto di allacciamento telegrafico tra il Vecchio e il Nuovo Mondo, all'epoca già in fase di avanzata realizzazione, ma in seguito fallito per le grosse difficoltà incontrate in corso d'opera. Wheeler Gift, n. 1396: "Mechanical and electrical difficulties of making, laying and working a cable used in transmitting signals through cables...".

Condition Report

WEST, Charles. Discours sur la Télégraphie Sous-Marine & Souterraine prononcé le vendredi 8 février 1861 à l'Institut Royale du Service Uni à Londres (trad. de l'anglais).
Paris, chez l'Auteur, 1861

In-8vo, mm. 220 x 140, publisher's binding. Pp. 31. Good copy.

Charles West insists on the superiority of caoutchouc coating over gutta-percha for transatlantic cables.

Boundd with: MANN, Robert James. The Atlantic Telegraph. A History of preliminary experimental proceedings, and a descriptive account of the present state & prospects of the undertaking. Published by order of the Directors of the Company.
London, Jarrold and Sons, July 1857

In-8vo; mm. 240 x 155. Editorial cloth, gilt title printed on front plate. Pp. 69 with a watercolored map of the Atlantic seabed in the opening and a lithograph plate with findings of marine bodies. Very good copy.

Detailed account of the research, surveys and technical difficulties encountered in the first project for a telegraph connection between the Old and New World, which was already well advanced at the time, but later failed due to major difficulties encountered during construction. Wheeler Gift, No. 1396: "Mechanical and electrical difficulties of making, laying and working a cable used in transmitting signals through cables...".


Cfr opera del Mann: Wheeler Gift, No. 1396.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padova Italia

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