Cisalpine Republic. Copy of the letter of the Minister of War addressed to the General of Division GRENIER.

EUR 200,00
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EUR 400,00 / 500,00


Cisalpine Republic. Copy of the letter of the Minister of War addressed to the General of Division GRENIER.
Copia della lettera al Generale Grenier.
Milano, 13 Nivôse year 7 (2 gennaio 1799)

Folio. 2 pagine. Grande vignetta incisa con allegoria della Repubblica Cisalpina.

Copia della lettera del Ministro della Guerra (Berthier, non firmata) indirizzata al Generale di Divisione GRENIER al comando della divisione dell'esercito francese presso il Dipartimento di MELLA a BRESCIA. 2 grandi pagine in-folio. Il Cittadino GAMBARA, agente militare incaricato di sovrintendere all'esecuzione della Legge sulla Requisizione di 9000 uomini per completare l'Esercito Cisalpino, chiede una forza armata nel Reparto, tanto per assicurare il buon esito dell'operazione quanto per prevenire i disagi che potrebbero comportare. Gli chiede di inviare "in the Communes which would make fear some tumults, some detachments to maintain them in order and to recall them to the execution of the Law".

Condition Report

 Copy of the letter of the Minister of War addressed to the General of Division GRENIER.

Milan, January 2, 1799 

Folio, 2 pages. Large engraved vignette with the allegory of the Cisalpine Republic.

Copy of the letter of the Minister of War (Berthier, not signed) addressed to the General of Division GRENIER commanding the division of the French army in the Department of MELLA in BRESCIA. 2 large pages in-folio. The Citizen GAMBARA, military agent in charge of supervising the execution of the Law on the Requisition of 9000 Men to complete the Cisalpine Army, asks for an armed force in the Department, as much to ensure the success of the operation as to prevent the inconveniences that they could entail. He asks him to send "in the Communes which would make fear some tumults, some detachments to maintain them in order and to recall them to the execution of the Law".

gio 26 Settembre 2024
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