GENERAL SORBIER. Two signed autograph letters addressed to Monsieur Dupont, Postmaster General in Venice.

EUR 250,00
Base d'asta
EUR 300,00 / 400,00


GENERAL SORBIER. Two signed autograph letters addressed to Monsieur Dupont, Postmaster General in Venice.
SORBIER, Jean-Joseph-Augustin (General). Due lettere autografe firmate indirizzate a Monsieur Dupont, Direttore delle Poste a Venezia.

1. Milano, March 4, 1802
Bifolio in 4to. 248x185 mm. Testo su una pagina. Indirizzo e timbro a secco nella quarta pagina.
Gli chiede di comprargli dei cavalli: “3 horses at my disposal in Mestre”.

2. Milano, 12 Marzo
Bifolio in 4to. 250x204 mm. Testo su due pagine. Indirizzo e timbro a secco nella quarta pagina.
"I count on two horses of your way my dear Dupont, make them look after in Stra or in Mestre, ride them to try them, make them shoot pistols and cannons at the ears. If you can get three of them trained, fire-hardened, light, with a fair mouth and four legs... buy and buy fast. I'll arrive with grooms, money, saddles, pistols. And with each victory we win, with each Cavalry charge I will think of you and send you some choux croute, thanks, and battle reports that will make your mouth water. The Prince's Cousin will give you the letter, he is a nice young man who has not yet got laid since his departure from Spain. It is a shameful thing indeed. He must release his first shot in a gondola...."

Condition Report

SORBIER, Jean-Joseph-Augustin (General). Two signed autograph letters addressed to Monsieur Dupont, Postmaster General in Venice.

1. Milan, March 4, 1802
Bifolio in 4to. 248x185mm. Text on one page. Address and embossed stamp on the fourth page.
He asks him to buy him some horses: “3 horses at my disposal in Mestre”.

2. Milan, 12 March
Bifolio in 4to. 250x204mm. Text on two pages. Address and embossed stamp on the fourth page.
"I count on two horses of your way my dear Dupont, make them look after in Stra or in Mestre, ride them to try them, make them shoot pistols and cannons at the ears. If you can get three of them trained, fire-hardened, light, with a fair mouth and four legs... buy and buy fast. I'll arrive with grooms, money, saddles, pistols. And with each victory we win, with each Cavalry charge I will think of you and send you some choux croute, thanks, and battle reports that will make your mouth water. The Prince's Cousin will give you the letter, he is a nice young man who has not yet got laid since his departure from Spain. It is a shameful thing indeed. He must release his first shot in a gondola...."
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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