Guinea - Congo. Penal colonies. GREVY – CARNOT. Projet de loi portant ouverture... d’un credit extraordinaire afferents [..]

EUR 250,00
Base d'asta
EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Guinea - Congo. Penal colonies. GREVY – CARNOT. Projet de loi portant ouverture... d’un credit extraordinaire afferents [..]
GREVY, Jules – CARNOT, Sadi. Senat Session 1886. Projet de loi portant ouverture, au Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies, sur l’exercice 1886, d’un credit extraordinaire afferents au service de la relegation et au service colonial de la Guinee et du Congo.
Paris, 1886

Folio, 282x226 mm. Pp. 4. Tracce d’uso. 

La legge contiene un prospetto con le spese da sostenere per il ‘Service colonial’ : fra queste, gli stipendi del personale ciivile, giudiziario e militare, gli ospedali, gli insediamenti francesi in Congo. 
Presentata da J. Grevy, Presidente della Repubblica, e Sadi Carnot, all’epoca Ministro delle Finanze. 
Sadi Marie François Carnot, 1837 – 1894, was a member of parliament from February 1871 to December 1887, then President of the Republic from 3 December 1887 to 25 June 1894.

Condition Report

Folio, 282x226 mm. Pp. 4. Slight traces of wear

The law contains a table with the expenses to be incurred for the 'Colonial Service': among these, the salaries of civil, judicial and military personnel, hospitals, French settlements in Congo.
Presented by J. Grevy, President of the Republic, and Sadi Carnot, Minister of Finance at the time.
Sadi Marie François Carnot, 1837 – 1894, was a member of parliament from February 1871 to December 1887, then President of the Republic from 3 December 1887 to 25 June 1894.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
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