California/Mexico. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE. Voyage en Californie.

EUR 2.500,00
Base d'asta
EUR 3.000,00 / 4.000,00


California/Mexico. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE. Voyage en Californie.

CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, Jean. Voyage en Californie pour l'observation du passage de Vénus sur le disque du soleil le 3 juin 1769 et description historique de la route de l'auteur à travers le Mexique. 
Paris, Charles Antoine Jombert, 1772

In 4to. 258x180 mm. Legatura coeva in pelle marmorizzata, filetti dorati, dorso liscio ornato con motivi in oro, fogli di guardia marmorizzati, tagli rossi. Pagine 4 non numerate, Occhietto e Frontespizio, 170, [2]. Una tabella ripiegata fuori testo a p. 50. Grande mappa ripiegata di Città del Messico, tre tavole fuori testo, due di storia naturale, una con il transito di Venere, tutto inciso in rame.  
Buon esemplare.

Rarissima prima edizione con una bella tavola di città del Messico di questa ricercata opera che descrive l’importate spedizione scientifica in California. 
La California, terra incolta, era stato considerata uno dei luoghi più adatti per l'osservazione del transito di Venere nel 1769. L'Accademia delle scienze ottenne dal re il permesso di inviare uno dei suoi membri. L’astronomo Chappe, fu scelto per questa missione e andò in California, con Dol e Medina, ufficiali della marina e astronomi del re di Spagna. Le sue osservazioni furono pubblicate a Parigi nel 1772 dal Cassini. Streeter: “A thrilling account of a race against time to reach Lower California before the transit of Venus occurred. After nerve-racking delays, which began in Spain, and narrow escapes from disaster, the goal was reached late in May. Two days after the transit was observed a malignant fever spread through the little group and Chappe d'Auteroche, who nursed the sick and dying, took it himself and died on the first of August. Mr. Cowan is quite incorrect in his note on this book, saying 'this celestial phenomenon was visible only upon the coast of California.' It was in fact visible throughout the western hemisphere and expeditions to observe it were sent to numerous stations. Also Spain not only knew of the expedition, but in the end co-operated in every way to make it a success”.
Oltre alla grande pianta ripiegata di Città del Messico, il volume è illustrato con 3 grandi tavole incise su rame.
Streeter Sale 2443. Cowan I, p. 46.Sabin 12003; Cowan II, p. 114; Hill 278; Howes C299; Palau 67059.

Condition Report

4to. 258x180mm. Contemporary binding in marbled leather, gilt fillets, flat back decorated with gold motifs, marble endpapers, red edges. Pages [4, Half-title and Titlepage], 170, 2. A folding letterpress table out of the text on p. 50. Large folding plan of Mexico City, three plates out of text, two of natural history, one with the transit of Venus, all engraved in copper. Good copy.

Very rare first edition with a beautiful plan of Mexico City of this sought-after work describing the important scientific expedition to California. California, uncultivated land, had been considered one of the most suitable places for observing the transit of Venus in 1769. The Academy of Sciences obtained permission to send one of him. The astronomer Chappe, was chosen for this mission and went to California, with Dol and Medina, naval officers and astronomers of the king of Spain. His writings were inserted in Paris in 1772 by Cassini. Streeter: “A thrilling account of a race against time to reach Lower California before the transit of Venus occurred. After nerve-racking delays, which began in Spain, and narrow escapes from disaster, the goal was reached late in May. Two days after the transit was observed a malignant fever spread through the little group and Chappe d'Auteroche, who nursed the sick and dying, took it himself and died on the first of August. Mr. Cowan is quite incorrect in his note on this book, saying 'this celestial phenomenon was visible only upon the coast of California.' It was in fact visible throughout the western hemisphere and expeditions to observe it were sent to numerous stations. Also Spain not only knew of the expedition, but in the end co-operated in every way to make it a success”.
In addition to the large folded plan of Mexico City, the volume is illustrated with 3 large plates engraved on copper.


Streeter Sale 2443. Cowan I, p. 46.Sabin 12003; Cowan II, p. 114; Hill 278; Howes C299; Palau 67059.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padova Italia

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