Portuguese Exploration in Africa. BILLOT. M. Billot, Ministre de la Republique Francaise a Lisbonne a M. de Freycinet, President [..]

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Portuguese Exploration in Africa. BILLOT. M. Billot, Ministre de la Republique Francaise a Lisbonne a M. de Freycinet, President [..]
BILLOT, Jean-Baptiste. M. Billot, Ministre de la Republique Francaise a Lisbonne a M. de Freycinet, President du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires Etrangers.
Copia manoscritta. Lisbonne, 19 Juillet 1886

Folio, 305x215 mm. Pp. 5, 3 bianche. Testo in francese, scrittura in corsivo, inchiostro bruno. Strappo sul margine interno, per il resto buona condizione.

Importanti informazioni di prima mano sul celebre esploratore portoghese Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto, 1846 –1900, che effettuò pioneristiche attraversate dell’Africa. “Le Lieutenant colonel Serpa Pinto … vien de rentrer a Lisbonne apres avoir rempli une nouvelle mission … sur la cote orientale d’Afrique”. Billot parla della spedizione che Serpa organizzò nel 1885, con il tenente Augusto Cardoso come secondo in comando; Serpa Pinto si ammalò gravemente e fu trasportato sulla costa, dove fu infine recuperato. Il venticinquenne tenente Cardoso proseguì l'esplorazione, visitando il lago Nyasa e le Shire Highlands. “Peu de details sont encore connus…”
La lettera è inviata da Billot al Presidente del consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri Charles de Freycinet.
Jean-Baptiste Billot, 1828 – 1907, militare di carriera pluridecorato, fu deputato dal 8 febbraio 1871 al 7 marzo 1876, poi senatore inamovibile e ministro.

Condition Report

Folio, 305x215 mm. Pp. 5, 3 blanks. French text, cursive wrting, brown ink. Tear on inner margin, overall good condition.

Important first-hand information on the famous Portuguese explorer Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto, 1846 –1900, who made pioneering crossings of Africa. “Le Lieutenant Colonel Serpa Pinto … comes to return to Lisbon to complete a new mission … on the eastern coast of Africa”. Billot talks about the expedition that Serpa organized in 1885, with Lieutenant Augusto Cardoso as second in command; Serpa Pinto became seriously ill and was transported to the coast, where he was eventually recovered. Twenty-five-year-old Lieutenant Cardoso continued his exploration, visiting Lake Nyasa and the Shire Highlands. “Peu de details sont encore connus…”
The letter is sent by Billot to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Charles de Freycinet.
Jean-Baptiste Billot, 1828 – 1907, highly decorated career soldier, was a deputy from 8 February 1871 to 7 March 1876, then an irremovable senator and minister.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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