Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. AA.VV. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative [..]

EUR 200,00
Base d'asta
EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. AA.VV. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative [..]
AA.VV. Chambre des Deputes. Quatrieme Legislature. Session de 1887. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative a l’etablissement de cables telegraphiques sous-marins destines a desservir les colonies francaises des Antilles et de la Guyane francaise.
Paris, A. Quantin, 1887

8vo, 230x138 mm. Pp. 1, 3 bianche. Buona conservazione. 

Importante emendamento relativo alla posa dei cavi telegrafici sottomarini nelle Antille e in Guiana: si ribadisce la supremazia della Francia: tutti i materiali per i lavori dovranno essere di origine esclusivamente francese. 

Condition Report

8vo, 230x138 mm. Pp. 1, 3 blanks. Good condition.

Important amendment relating to the laying of submarine telegraph cables in the Antilles and Guyana: the supremacy of France is reaffirmed: all materials for the works must be of exclusively French origin.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padova Italia

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