Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. ALYPE. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative [..]

EUR 200,00
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EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. ALYPE. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative [..]
ALYPE, Pierre. Chambre des Deputes. Quatrieme Legislature. Session de 1887. Amendement au projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention relative a l’etablissement de cables telegraphiques sous-marins destines a desservir les colonies francaises des Antilles et de la Guyane francaise.
Paris, A. Quantin, 1887

8vo, 230x138 mm. Pp. 1, 3 bianche. Buona conservazione. 

Importante emendamento relativo alla posa dei cavi telegrafici sottomarini nelle Antille e in Guaiana : si ribadisce la supremazia dei ‘Francesi’. Louis Alype, detto Pierre-Alype, 1846 – 1906, nato nella colonia di La Reunion, fu deputato dal 21 agosto 1881 al 31 maggio 1898: alla Camera, si sedette alla sinistra radicale e parḷ (marzo 1884) a favore dei diritti della Francia sul Madagascar, sostenne (4 maggio 1885) il disegno di legge sulla relegazione dei recidivi, sostenne la politica educativa e coloniale del governo.
Cfr. https://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/

Condition Report

8vo, 230x138 mm. Pp. 1, 3 blanks. Good condition.

Important amendment relating to the laying of submarine telegraph cables in the Antilles and Guiana: the supremacy of the 'French' is reaffirmed. 
Louis Alype, known as Pierre-Alype, 1846 – 1906, born in the colony of La Reunion, was a deputy from 21 August 1881 to 31 May 1898: in the Chamber, he sat on the radical left and spoke (March 1884) in favor of the rights of France on Madagascar, he supported (4 May 1885) the bill on the confinement of repeat offenders, he supported the government's educational and colonial policy.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
Orari Asta
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