SPINOZA. Reflexions curieuses d'un esprit des-interesse sur les matieres les plus importantes au salut.

EUR 500,00
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SPINOZA. Reflexions curieuses d'un esprit des-interesse sur les matieres les plus importantes au salut.

SPINOZA, Baruch. Reflexions curieuses d'un esprit des-interesse sur les matieres les plus importantes au salut, tant public que particulier.
A Cologne, Chez Claude Emanuel, 1678

12mo. 125x68 mm. Legatura coeva in pergamena rigida, titolo in oro sul dorso, tagli marmorizzati. Pagine [30, compreso Frontespizio], 531, [31], 30. Fregio xilografico al Frontespizio, carattere tondo e italico. Difetti alla legatura, internamente lievi arrossature e tracce d’uso.

Rara prima edizione francese del Tractatus Theologico-politicus, in prima tiratura. Wolf indica che la seconda tiratura contiene due Frontespizi e l’errore tipografico ‘Preeace’ al posto di ‘Preface’
 a pagina 16. Questa edizione uscì contemporaneamente a ‘La clef du sanctuaire’ stampata a Leyda. Wolf:” Disguised French translation of the Tractatus theologico-politicus by De Saint-Glain. As the work was forbidden in 1674, the title was changed. The same translation was also published under the titles „Reflexions curieuses d'un esprit desinteresse" and „Traite des ceremonies superstitieuses des juifs" (see no. 371—3). The translation is historically important, as it contains at the end (30 pages) „Remarques curieuses et necessaires pour I'intelligence de ce livre", cont. annotations by Spinoza himself about the Treatise, written in the margins of a copy of the Tractatus only a few months before his death. They are published here for the first time.” Il Tractatus Theologico-Politicus fu pubblicato nel 1670, senza il nome dell'autore, e creò un tale scandalo che fu formalmente proscritto dal Sinodo di Dordrecht e dagli Stati Generali di Olanda, Zelanda e Frisia Occidentale. Fu ritenuto necessario, per eludere questa censura, pubblicare l'opera con titoli falsi, presentandola a volte come un'opera medica, a volte come un'opera storica. Questa è la prima traduzione francese di questo libro molto controverso di Spinoza, in cui sostiene i principi di tolleranza e libertà di parola di Jan de Witt, e in cui elabora una teoria del contratto sociale dello Stato e sostiene che una società democratica deve garantire la libertà e l'opportunità di felicità dell'individuo.
Caillet III, 10316-17; Graesse IV, 169; Van der Linde, Spinoza, 10-12; Wolf, Spinoza, 370-371.

Condition Report

12mo. 125x68 mm. Contemporary stiff vellum binding. Gilt title on spine, marbled edges. Pp. [30, including Titlepage] 531, [31], 30. Woodcut vignette on titlepage, round and italic type. Defects on binding, slight browning and traces of wear inside.

Rare first French edition of the Tractatus Theologico-politicus, first issue. Wolf indicates that the second printing contains two Titlepages and the typographical error ‘Preeace’ instead of ‘Preface’
on page 16. This edition was published at the same time as ‘La clef du sanctuaire’ printed in Leyden.
Wolf:” Disguised French translation of the Tractatus theologico-politicus by De Saint-Glain. As the work was forbidden in 1674, the title was changed. The same translation was also published under the titles „Reflexions curieuses d'un esprit desinteresse" and „Traite des ceremonies superstitieuses des juifs" (see no. 371—3). The translation is historically important, as it contains at the end (30 pages) „Remarques curieuses et necessaires pour I'intelligence de ce livre", cont. annotations by Spinoza himself about the Treatise, written in the margins of a copy of the Tractatus only a few months before his death. They are published here for the first time.”
The “Tractatus Theologico-Politicus” was published in 1670, without the author's name, and created such a scandal that it was formally proscribed by the Synod of Dordrecht and the States General of Holland, Zeeland, and West Friesland. It was found necessary, to evade this censorship, to publish the work under false titles, presenting it sometimes as a medical work, sometimes as a historical work. This is the first French translation of this highly controversial book by Spinoza, in which he advocates Jan de Witt's principles of toleration and freedom of speech, and in which he elaborates a theory of the social contract of the state and argues that a democratic society must guarantee the liberty and opportunity of happiness of the individual.


Caillet III, 10316-17; Graesse IV, 169; Van der Linde, Spinoza, 10-12; Wolf, Spinoza, 370-371.
mer 4 Dicembre 2024
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