Economy. SAY. Traité d'économie politique.

EUR 2.000,00
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EUR 3.000,00 / 4.000,00


Economy. SAY. Traité d'économie politique.

SAY, Jean-Baptiste. Traité d'économie politique, ou simple exposition de la manière dont se forment, se distribuent, et se consomment les richesses.
Paris, De l’Imprimede dei Crapelet – Chez Deterville, 1803

2 volumi in 8vo. 195x115 mm. Legatura coeva mezza pelle e cartonato rosa marmorizzato, titoli e numero di tomo in due tasselli sul dorso con fregi in oro, fogli di guardia marmorizzati. Tomo I: pagine [4, incluso Occhietto e Titolo], XLVI, 527, 1 bianca. Tomo II: pagine [4, incluso Occhietto e Titolo], 572. Tracce di gore ma in complesso buon esemplare. 

Prima edizione. Si tratta del libro più importante di Say, una delle grandi opere del pensiero economico del periodo classico. Oltre a La ricchezza delle nazioni di Smith, la cui dottrina Say espose fin dalla tenera età, si rivelò l'opera di economia più popolare nella prima metà del XIX secolo. Palgrave: “It was the first really popular treatise on political economy ever published in France; his main divisions and his terminology have become classical and have served as a model for innumerable subsequent treatises.” 
Nonostante le prime affermazioni che il suo lavoro fosse derivato da Smith, è stato da tempo dimostrato che Say si colloca al pari di Sismondi e Cournot per l’originalità dei suoi contributi alla teoria economica. Schumpeter definisce il suo lavoro: “the most important of the links in the chain that leads from Cantillon and Turgot to Walras.”
L'opera non fu ripubblicata fino al 1814, in parte a causa dell'ostilità di Napoleone nei confronti di Say, ma da allora in poi ebbe 32 edizioni.
Carpenter XXXIII (1); Einaudi 5118; En français dans le texte, 207; INED 4110; Mattioli 3236; Niehans, 110-15; Palgrave, III, p. 357; Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis, pp. 492-93.

Condition Report

2 volumes in 8vo. 195x115 mm. Contemporary quarte leather binding and marbled pink hardback, titles and volume number in two labels on the spine with gilt decorations, marbled endpapers. Volume I: pages [4, including half-title and title], XLVI, 527, 1 blank. Volume II: pages [4, including half-title and title], 572. Traces of dampstain, but overall a good copy.

First edition. This is Say's most important book, one of the great works of economic thought of the classical period. Besides Smith's The Wealth of Nations, whose doctrine Say expounded from an early age, it proved to be the most popular work on economics in the first half of the 19th century. Palgrave: “It was the first truly popular treatise on political economy ever published in France; its major divisions and terminology have become classic and have served as a model for countless subsequent treatises.”
Despite early claims that his work was derived from Smith, it has long been demonstrated that Say ranks with Sismondi and Cournot in the originality of his contributions to economic theory. Schumpeter defines his work: “the most important link in the chain that leads from Cantillon and Turgot to Walras”.
The work was not republished until 1814, partly due to Napoleon's hostility towards Say, but ran through 32 editions thereafter.


Carpenter XXXIII (1); Einaudi 5118; En français dans le texte, 207; INED 4110; Mattioli 3236; Niehans, 110-15; Palgrave, III, p. 357; Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis, pp. 492-93.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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