Ocean navigation. HAMPTON MOORE. Congres du Caire. Association des voies navigables les plus profondes de l’Atlantique.

EUR 200,00
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EUR 300,00 / 400,00


Ocean navigation. HAMPTON MOORE. Congres du Caire. Association des voies navigables les plus profondes de l’Atlantique.
HAMPTON MOORE, Joseph. Congres du Caire. Association des voies navigables les plus profondes de l’Atlantique. Lettre du President. Rapport du Congres de Navigation. Ier Fevrier 1927.
Dattiloscritto, 1927

Folio, 310x210 mm. Cc. 21, 1 bianca. Ottima conservazione.

Documento dattiloscritto. Resoconto degli interventi al Congresso internazionale della navigazione tenutosi al Cairo nel dicembre 1926. Nella relazione, inviata alla Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, di cui era Presidente, Hampton Moore parla dei problemi della navigazione sia interna, tramite i canali, che oceanica. 
Joseph Hampton Moore, 1864 – 1950, importante uomo politico americano, fu sindaco di Filadelfia e membro repubblicano della Camera dei rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti dalla Pennsylvania. Nel gennaio 1905, fu nominato dal presidente Theodore Roosevelt primo capo dell'Ufficio delle manifatture, dipartimento del Commercio e del Lavoro, ma si dimise dopo sei mesi di servizio per diventare presidente di una banca di Filadelfia. Fu presidente della Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association per quarant’anni, dal 1907 al 1947.
Cfr. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Collection 1541. J. Hampton Moore Papers 1786-1952, June 2005.

Condition Report

Folio, 310x210 mm. Leaves 21, 1 blank. Very nice condition.

Typewritten document. Report of the speeches at the International Navigation Congress held in Cairo in December 1926. In the report, sent to the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, of which he was President, Hampton Moore talks about the problems of both internal navigation, via canals, and oceanic navigation.
Joseph Hampton Moore, 1864 – 1950, prominent American politician, was mayor of Philadelphia and Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. In January 1905, he was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt as the first chief of the Bureau of Manufacturing, Department of Commerce and Labor, but he resigned after six months of service to become president of a Philadelphia bank. He was president of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association for forty years, from 1907 to 1947.


Cfr. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Collection 1541. J. Hampton Moore Papers 1786-1952, June 2005.
gio 26 Settembre 2024
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